“The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.”
― Walt Disney

God did not intended on every human being to be the same as the next. Gasp, I know! What a concept that I am supposed to be different than you. In a society that nips this and tucks that to achieve what is perceived to be perfect beauty, we have to start loving ourselves for who we are. I am not meant to look, act or think just like you. You are not supposed to act, look or think just like the next person. God has placed certain gifts and talents inside each one of us and if we keep striving to keep up with the whoevers we will never realize our full potential in the kingdom of God.

Take me for example, if we were on a boat that was about to sink and the only hope to keep it from sinking is that I have to solve a calculus problem, you better grab your floaties and snorkel because we are going down! Now, give my husband that same problem and he’s the hero that saves the day.

I used to feel inadequate and stupid because I am horrible at math and I am an unconventional problem solver. Thanks to the world around me that measured my intelligence on whether or not I could solve a math problem or because I didn’t approach situations the way they thought I should and I am “too emotional”, I grew up wondering if something was wrong, that I wasn’t smart enough. But that’s not it at all, God did not give me a solely analytical mind, he gifted me with the ability to write, think creativity, live outside of the “box”, empathize with people on a deep level, connect with people emotionally, and interact with the world around me with a free and compassionate mind.

 We as a society have to start loving ourselves for who we are and not what the world says we need to be. I freaking love myself (post about humility coming soon) and I tell myself every day that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, that I have come into the kingdom for such a time as this. I tell myself that I am more than enough and I have a purpose in God’s kingdom that no one else does. I pump myself up every morning, because I know when I step out my door and out of my safe zone, the world will be coming at me full force to break me down and disrupt the gifts that God has given me. You see, God gave me this mind and he gave me these abilities for a reason, I serve a certain purpose in the kingdom of God, and so do you. The devil knows this also, he knows if he can discourage us from using the exact gifts that God has given us, he can keep us from fulfilling Gods plan for our lives. What better way to keep Christians at bay than to make them run in circles trying to be something they were never even created to be in the first place?

Take David and Goliath for example. David was a shepherd who arrived at the battlefield to check on his brothers and bring food to the troops.

When David arrived, the troops were already in formation for battle so he ran to check on his bothers as to give his dad a status update. While David was meandering through the troops he saw Goliath step out across the field and slander God and God’s army. David was disturbed and said “Hey, why doesn’t someone fight him? How dare he speak of my God like that!” Of course, all the men in the army saw Goliath as the rest of the world saw him; he was a giant that they weren’t supposed to be able to defeat. They couldn’t see the gifts and favor God placed on them to win the battle!

David was shocked by their lack of action so he said “Heck I’ll go! Send me!”

Saul placed his own armor on David, his own sword in his hand and his personal helmet on David’s head.

David walked around and said, “This isn’t me.” “I can’t use this stuff. I can’t dress like YOU in battle.”

So David picked up the shepherds staff that belonged to him. The staff he had used for years to protect his flock, the staff that was just as much a part of him as his right hand. He did not go into battle trying to mimic the king or any of the other soldiers. No, he went as himself and he picked up stones, put them in HIS shepherd’s bag and used HIS sling to throw a rock that brought down the giant. He trusted God to use him, his abilities and his gifts to slay the Giant. He didn’t conform to the ways of the world around him; he was true to himself and most importantly trusted God’s purpose for him and trusted the abilities that God gave him. He knew how to use a sling and a stone and rod and he was dang good at it!  He was enough just the way God made him. So when people try to tell you you’re not good enough, that you need this or that to be complete, remember you are made for such a time as this. What is your gift that God has given you? Quit comparing yourself to anyone else around you. David was so confident in God, and who God said David was that he didn’t second guess himself. We need to be bold in God’s promises, bold in God’s purposes for us and bold in his plans for us.






  1. thank you so much for sharing this with us today. I feel that it was a gift for me to read. This is something that can stay with us each and every moment. What a beautiful and moving blog post.

  2. Preach it, sista!��Reminds me of the exhortation that God hasn't given us a spirit of fear, but rather of POWER & a sound mind to remember His Word, His promises, and His power made available to us through Christ's resurrection. May God help us to be bold to trust Him to use our unique abilities for His glory always! ( from Courtney R��)


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